Enabling the Receiver to Do Something That S/he Has Long Wanted to Do But Was Prevented (from Lack of Time, Money, Companionship, Oomph, Etc.)

I mentioned earlier the idea of making it possible for someone to take a class... By removing whatever obstacle is in the way of her doing it - whether it be the cost, or the kids at home... or the fact that no one has, until now, been willing to take it with her. (Getting two people together who have the same desires - e.g., diet or exercise buddies - can be a huge boon to someone who has trouble getting going on her own.)

Many people get bogged down in doing what they already do and mainly just need encouragement to do what they’ve been daydreaming about. A gift certificate is a good nudge... "Gosh, it’s already paid for - I’d better not let this go to waste!" Or maybe just a pep talk phone call is all it would take in some cases.

She’s been talking about saving for a trip to England, but the cash tends to go toward something else? ...Get a bunch of your mutual friends to go in with you on a savings account established in her name - the travel fund!

Your daughter loves to write, but she doesn’t believe she could ever write a book... Commission one from her! - a family history, perhaps. Or arrange for her to write a book for someone else you know (whose gift it will be that you make it possible for his story to at last be told!).

Your parents want to visit you, but one of your kids is terribly allergic to dogs, and your parents won’t leave Rover at a kennel... Find someone to house/dog-sit for them in their home.

Solve whatever problems, dissolve whatever obstacles, and off they go! (And maybe you’ll end up giving a gift to yourself, too.)





NEXT:  A Gift for a Pet in the Receiver's Household...
PREVIOUS:  A Gift Certificate for Something Someone Else Will Do...