Creative gift ideas abound! - these just don't happen to fit into any of my other categories:

  • Pet treats (for a homemade canine treat, see "Dog Biscuits, Non-allergenic" in Recipes/Ideas)*
  • Flea shampoo (mild shampoo with about a teaspoon each of orange oil and tea tree oil mixed into it)
  • An inclined cat scratching box (cut a box at an angle - fill it with corrugated cardboard wedges of the same shape, all pressed in together to form a slope for kitty to scratch on... and sprinkle the little crannies in the edges of the cardboard with dried catnip!)
  • Bulbs in pots, waiting for spring...
  • Music CDs, tapes; old records for the diehard enthusiast?
  • Long-distance phone calls instead of gifts
  • Long-distance calling cards
  • Magazine and book- (or audiotape-)of-the-month-club subscriptions
  • "[?]-of-the-month" (soup, flowers, cookies, poems, books, etc.)
  • Cloth-covered blank books decorated with glued-on fabric cutouts (possibly punched from starch-stiffened thin fabric) in interesting designs
  • When you give books, stamp the edges decoratively (if they're not too thin) with colored ink
  • Copies of old family photos for all members
  • A "day in the life" videotape of your family
  • Genealogical(/historical?) research for all family members
  • Stuff from the colleges of the giftee’s last name (e.g., running shorts or mugs that say "Gordon University" on them)
  • A packet of postcards made from old Christmas cards (or fun photos? maybe with goofy captions on the back?)
  • An over-the-frame light for a prize painting
  • Gifts for sale by local non-profit organizations
  • A boxful of paper butterflies (cut them from decorative papers)
  • Honey-Do and Honey-Thanks jars!**
  • A Help Jar (a fancy jar filled with slips of paper (daily or weekly count?) with life-brightening, rib-tickling, business-building, or grit-strengthening messages on each
  • A jar full of good words!... to ponder on
  • A wish box, full of cards or strips of paper on which your wishes for the recipient are expressed
  • A Memory Jar, filled with little cards on each of which is written a different family memory (this is a wonderful gift for an entire family to give to an elderly parent or grandparent) - or a Memory Chain, where the good memories are written on the inside of paper links (and the person has to unlink and open one link a day)
  • A Dream Sheep Box:  strips of paper - or cutouts of sheep? - on which is written a scenario the receiver would like to dream about (smelling the pines on a sunny mountaintop, walking barefoot at the beach, playing with kittens), or perhaps a quotation... in a box, to be picked from upon hitting the hay (for when counting sheep doesn’t work)
  • A cookbook of your favorite gourmet recipes (perhaps customized for each person?)
  • Decorated yule logs**
  • Juice-can lid photo magnets - glue a child’s picture inside the round frame of a frozen juice-can lid (the one I received had glitter around the outside - my favorite refrigerator magnet, still there even though the child is now growing into a young woman)
  • Christmas stockings! - felt appliqué, embroidered, glossed with buttons and charms or ribbons and lace, cutwork, needleworked, quilted; fringed/beaded and made of trading post blankets or leather, in the shape of a dog or dog bone for Fido (cat or fish for Fifi), in the shape of a ballerina’s slipper "en pointe" or a cowboy boot, or just a Santa hat turned upside down... adults like stockings too!





NEXT:  Gifts for Yourself
PREVIOUS:  Found Objects of Great Beauty