+ Ribbons

Gift ribbons - meaning, strips of stuff to wrap around a package... not just ribbon! Here's what I mean...

  • Recycled ribbons from earlier years of gift-opening
  • Raffia
  • Crepe paper streamers (you can stretch the edges to make ruffles, fold them over to make them sturdier)
  • Strips of plastic wrap or cellophane or aluminum foil (though you can’t tie the foil!)
  • Commercial Christmas garlands
  • Strips of fabric or decorative netting
  • Silken cording
  • A jump rope, on a larger box (for a kid, or for an adult exerciser?)
  • Strips of colorful paper (solid-colored, magazine photos, wallpaper borders, what-have-you; perhaps cut with design-edging scissors)
  • Luggage straps
  • Shoelaces (if you use two, they have a pair to use!)
  • Neckties
  • Suspenders
  • Lengths of lace
  • Necklaces or strings of beads (pop beads!)
  • Soutache braid and other cording
  • Strands of real fabric ribbon (a gift in itself - some are unbelievably gorgeous!)
  • Or try some of the flatter garlands mentioned in the Garlands section (for instance, see "Paper Rickrack" or "Gum Wrapper Chain" in Instructions)
  • Entirely faux ribbon! - a design that’s only painted on (or stamped; or bits of things glued on in a row; or made with colored tape; etc.)
  • Plumber’s tape, electrical tape, or duct tape, for the man in your life?





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