Principles for Holiday Get-Togethers

Let's look at some party planning ideas that would be in consort with developing holiday warmth...

There are many approaches to celebrations that will embed them warmly in your guests’ memories. The one thing that probably isn’t appropriate is sheer entertainment. That is, if your goal is merely to entertain, that puts the focus entirely on you and the entertainment and not on your guests and their cohesion. Some sort of planned entertainment might be a fun focal point - but if that’s the underlying goal, the people might as well not have gotten together. (You can get a group of people together to go to a movie, but they’re not really enjoying togetherness while they’re watching something they could just as well see on a TV while alone. …It would be before or after the entertainment that the real party would take place - I would so hope!)

Let your entertainment "fuse" with the occasion... Let it be the surprise that serves as an "aide memoire" to draw people's attention back to the delightful experience in memory later on. ...As would, for example, a one-color meal! (I've served two such meals, one all white and one all green. I'll let you figure out what I might have served. I suppose my next one might be red.) Or a juice-tasting party? - where everyone gets to taste a series of fruit/veggie juices blended fresh on the spot (and guess at the ingredients?: carrot/beet/celery/apple might be a good stumper, for instance... but very tasty!) Give 'em some hook to hang the good memories on.

The art of hospitality is about giving to others; it’s also about blending - with others, and blending the others together as a whole. And then there’s the magic! (artistry that has a life of its own as it sparks from one participant to the other, and carries on in the memory when everyone has gone home). Look for ways to link together hearts and minds, and your party can’t possibly be run-of-the-mill.

You’ll find that a number of these celebratory principles will merge in a single event...

More on each of these concepts follows...






NEXT:  + Being Pleasurably Memorable... for the Whole Group
PREVIOUS:  Holiday Celebrations