Ideas! - e.g., New Uses for Old Things, Information the Receiver Needs, Etc.

If you're looking for unusual gift ideas, try just that:  ideas. Just ideas not enough? - why on earth not? A great idea is worth a millionaire’s fortune!

A timely idea may be priceless. A bunch of ideas gleaned from many sources represents time-consuming labor, perhaps amongst sources not readily available to your giftee, or not known about, maybe accessed at great cost to you...

The gift of ideas or information may be unusual (if not already in book form) - but if adapted to the receiver, it can be a wonderful gift!

And creative... What about a recipe book (or other collection) devised for one person or family or other group of folks in mind? Or instructions for making all sorts of useful things out of old blue jeans? Or a packet of information about treatments/remedies for a health problem the receiver is suffering from? Or games children can play in the car, each one on an index card (easy to keep in the glove compartment)?

Then there are gifts such as... A subscription to "Fine Wood Working" magazine for a carpenter. A year’s worth of legal advice insurance for the new business owner. Your help setting up her books. Genealogical research on his behalf. information - help - ideas... gifts!



Web www.the-special-gift.com


NEXT:  A Gift Certificate for Something You'll Do...
PREVIOUS:  Something That Will Enrich the Spirit...