Here’s a unique Christmas table centerpiece that’s
good for more than one season (or put it out for the birds
and squirrels after the holiday)…
Select at least 20 dried Indian corn cobs - at least 4 or
5 should be a minimum of 10-12" long. These will be the
"limbs" on the tree, so you’ll want them in
gradually diminishing lengths (you can saw them off if
necessary, at the base). The "trunk" will be a
thick dowel (at least 1" in diameter) set into a flat
wooden stand. You’ll skewer each cob with a long, sturdy
nail in the base... You’ll drill holes (slightly larger
than the nail heads) at strategic points into the dowel
where the branches are to stick out (they can stick out
straight, or you might prefer them to arch upward a little
bit). The head end of the nail will simply be set into the
hole - this allows you to more easily store the tree taken