Would you like to know how to make a flower press? A
simple one can be made using 2 end pieces with a stack of
corrugated cardboard pieces in between, held together by 2
small cinch-type luggage straps. The end pieces should be
ventilated... They can be as simple as 2 metal oven racks or
as "elaborate" as rows of spaced-apart wooden
slats whose ends are glued and nailed to 2 cross-wise slats.
(If you make wooden ends, you could also apply pressure with
wing-nutted bolts threaded through holes drilled in each
corner - though that leaves a little less room for the
Include sheets of absorbent paper - the flowers/leaves
should be pressed between 2 of these, in between the
cardboard pieces. (The cardboard and the paper also help
with the all-important ventilation.)