If your party invitees don’t share your heritage - share
your own with them. One of my favorite holiday parties was
just my family being invited to a Hanukkah dinner with the
family next door, wherein we were treated to an explanation of
and lighting of the menorah. (But I'm still wondering how to
play at dreydels - some other party, I hope!)
Or just pick one to research and delve into...
and invite your attendees to do the same. Scandinavian?
Mexican? Polynesian? Irish? Italian? Texan? (Perhaps you’ll
get hooked and choose a new one every year...)
Christmas carols in German, anyone?
Or maybe you’d like to try a historic recreation - foods,
atmosphere... costumes. How about Pioneer American plains
farmers?... Victorian era American South?... Renaissance
Italian?... French Canadian trappers?... Or make it a little
more imaginative and humorous... for instance, a space
travelers’ Christmas!
If your holiday spirit is flagging, try enriching the end
of your year by blending "someone else's holiday"
with your own.
(You can start your own new holiday traditions,