Something That Will Come in Handy  (Save Time, Save Space, Save Effort, Etc.)

You can always figure out something to give that will be prized again (and again) when it's used...

Do you know that Aunt Mary is always running out of chocolate chips because she bakes cookies constantly? Save her all that running-to-the-store time by giving her a year’s supply!

Uncle John is always having to borrow Aunt Mary’s upstairs broom for his downstairs workshop... Give him his very own rechargeable dust buster.

The folks might like a coupon book for their favorite foods or restaurants, or for the bowling alley.

Is your sister always wondering where to stash stuff? - give her some under-the-bed storage boxes.

Is your brother’s family having trouble making ends meet in the winter, even though they have access to garden produce in the summer? ...Give them some canning supplies and a coupon for your instruction in their use.

Got a young teenage girl on your gift list? - she might love to have a "babysitting kit" (a shoebox filled with stuff that could be used to entertain young children).

How about a compost heap turner for your gardening father, to save him from tweaking his back hefting the pitchfork?

...Great gifts can be very mundane!

Not only that, they can do something for you too. ...Are you a pack rat? - got so many nuts, and bolts, and screws, and nails that they’re coming out of your garage’s ears? ...Gosh, city dwellers (and others) seem to never be able to put their hands on the right whatnot when they need one - give all of your apartment-dwelling friends an assortment of the useful things that you need to divest yourself of!

Then, here's an idea for giving to a collection of people when you can't or don't have time to figure out who would want what:  Just send a mishmash of useful presents and let them decide!  This is what I did inadvertently one year when I sent gifts to my aunt and one female cousin... I thought - but it turned out that another of my female cousins was with them; and a tag or two went astray when they opened the box... and so they took all the tags off and just opened all the gifts and distributed them amongst themselves.  I was delighted! - because everyone got what they really liked.  Then I was eager to do it again on purpose.





NEXT:  Something That Will Add to a Collection Or Set...
PREVIOUS:  What Someone Really Needs...