Have you ever wanted to know how to make pasta? ...It's so
much fun!
(a great ice-breaker for a party).
About making pasta in general: Noodles can be made with
water - they won’t be very flavorful, unless you add flavoring
of some kind. (Keep in mind that much of the flavor of additions
will leach out in the cooking water.) They can be made with
beaten eggs instead of water, for a fuller flavor. And if you’d
like to live dangerously, a little melted butter can be added to
the mixture for easy handling and a very tender result.
If you don’t have a pasta machine, roll the stiff dough out
very thin on a floured board and cut it into strips of whatever
width you like. (The thinner they are, the less time they take
to cook.) Dry the strips on a wooden noodle rack, or on a
cloth draped over the back of a chair. To get them dry enough to
store, you might want to put them in a dehydrator, or on a tray
on top of the wood stove, or on a baking sheet in a
pilot-lit-only oven. Noodles can also be frozen (layer them on
sheets of wax paper, then put them in a sealed freezer bag) for
a good long time.